MSFS2020 286

Quick start manual for the A320

By Pacha35 (Simvol) with the help of TSU (Simvol) | 82294 views

The starting of an airliner is not easy and must be done in pairs. The procedures are shared between the pilots and are different whether it is the first flight of the day or the following ones.

This tutorial only mentioned the essentials, for us lovers of flight simulation, to start the A320, from the beginning to the arrival at the destination parking.

Everything is not there but the essential is and the procedures can be done alone (the C/L check must be done in pairs for example).

If you follow this tutorial you will enjoy flying on a plane which is today one of the most popular, or maybe the most popular, in the world.

Enjoy your flight

Starting of the engines

  1. Batteries on ON. If night, turn on the panels (DOME) and the dashboard (OVHD INTL LT)
  2. Have a GPU plugged
  3. EXT PWR on ON
  4. NB: scrolling of the upper panel from up to down and left to right
  5. IRS: the 3 on NAV
  6. Test of the fire alarms: APU ENG1 and ENG2 (SQUIB, DISCH and FIRE turned on)
  7. Put the 6 pumps FUEL on ON (lights turned off)
  8. Put PACK1 and PACK2 on ON (lights turned off)
  10. No SMOKING on ON
  11. EMER EXIT on ARM
  12. How to load a flight plan into the A320 FMS - see the specific page

  13. Set the departure QNH in the FCU
  14. Set the initial altitude (VAC & eAIP)
  15. CSTR on ON
  16. Briefing and Check/List (C/L) "Before starting" (C/L part 1)

  17. Starting of the APU (Master Swith then START on ON): check on the central screen. When AVAIL, turn off the GPU
  18. APU BLEED on ON
  19. Check the doors and jetways
  20. BEACON on ON
  21. Throttle on IDLE, BRAKE PARK on ON
  22. Transponder on AUTO
  23. C/L part 2 of "Before starting"

  25. Starting of the engine 2 (ENG2 up). Check on the lower central screen (N1=20 – EGT=330 – N2=64)
  26. Starting of the engine 1 (ENG1 up). Check on the lower central screen (N1=20 – EGT=330 – N2=64)
  27. ENG MODE on NORM
  28. Turn off the APU (MASTER SW turned off) and APU BLEED (off)
  29. SPOILER on ARM (up)
  30. FLAPS on 1 or 2 following the value set in the FMS
  31. C/L "After starting"

  32. RWY TURN OFF sur ON, NOSE sur TAXI
  33. Taxiway

  34. At the parking point: RADAR on ON, TILT on 4°, AUTO BRAKE on MAX
  35. Aligned: LAND on ON, NOSE on T.O., TCAS on TA/RA and hide the VOR display
  36. C/L "Before take-off"


  37. THROTTLE on FLEX or TOGA depending on what has been set on the PERF screen of the FMS
  38. Initial climbing:
    1. Variometer >0 => gears up
    2. Put the AP1 or AP2 on ON (at 100 ft or after 5 sec)
    3. When LVR CLIMB is flashing on the PFD, put the throttle on CLIMB
    4. When the letters F and/or S appears on the PFD, put the flaps in the lower position (2->1 and :or 1->0)
    5. Turn off the front lights TURN OFF and NOSE
    6. Disarm the SPOILERS
    7. Do ON-OFF on SIGNS to "free" the flight attendants
    8. When the QNH is flashing on the PFD, go to STD on the FCU
  39. C/L after take-off

  40. Before reaching the altitude level displayed on the FCU, set the cruise altitude (or the altitude given by the control) and pull (OPEN CLIMB mode) or push (CLIMB mode) on the button of the FCU
  41. At FL100 turn off LAND and SIGNS to "free" the passengers
  42. Before the end of the cruse, set in the FMS, page PERF-APPR, the information of the arrival airport (weather info)
  43. About xx NM from the arrival, start to descent by displaying the altitude given by the control to the FCU and pull (OPEN DESC mode) or push (DESC mode) [xx = at least (FL cruise -100)/4 + (FL100 – last level)/3. Ex: Cruise 340, last level 4000' at (340-100)/4 + (100-4)/3 equals 75 NM
  44. AUTO BRK on LOW or MED
  45. While passing FL100 in descent, LAND on ON and ILS on ON (FCU)
  46. When STD is flashing on the PFD, go to the QNH of the arrival airport
  47. C/L approach

  48. When the 2 diamonds of the ILS are visible on the PFD, set APPR on ON (FCU)
  49. The activation of the "approach" mode is done automatically when the letter D in the circle appears in the PFD or by activating it on the PERF APPR page of the FMS
  50. Continue the descent to the last level (following the information of the airport)
  51. Set the 2nd AP on ON
  52. Release the flaps progressively until FULL by respecting the limit speeds (displayed on the dashboard)
  53. Around 2000 ft, gears down and turn on the lights TURN OFF and set NOSE on Taxi
  54. C/L before landing

  55. Landing

  56. At 200 ft disable the AP and let the place land
  57. When the wheels touch the ground, set the REVERSES, and if needed THROTTLE on MAX (short runway) and slow down.
  58. At 70 kts REVERSE on IDLE
  59. At the taxi speed (30 kts), REVERSES off, radar MTO and PWS turned off
  60. Cleared runway, STROBES on OFF, LAND on OFF, disarm Spoilers, flaps at 0, TCAS on STBY, start APU.
  61. C/L after landing

  62. Go to the parking
  63. Last turn before the parking point, turn off the front lights, APU BLEED on ON
  64. Once stopped, turn off the two engines and the anti-collision system, tank pumps on OFF, SIGNS on OFF, transponder on OFF.
  65. Have the GPU plugged
  66. Turn off the APU
  67. C/L parking