Rennes (LFRN)

By Pacha35 (Simvol), TJ (Simvol) and Béralex (Simvol)
Version 1.0
Date February 8th, 2021
Size 23.2 MB
Downloads 1405
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First French airport available on Simvol: Rennes Saint-Jacques airport (LFRN). This version 1 includes an upgrade of runway 10/28, its markings and accesses, the gas pump as well as the ACRIV building (Rennes Ille-et-Vilaine Aero Club). This change follows the renovation work carried out in the first half of 2020. The other buildings will follow in a later version.

INSTALLATION : If you have already installed the ACRIV building scenery, remove the lfrn-acriv folder in Community.
If you want to take advantage of Shell fueltrucks that supply the airport, copy Fueltruck_Shell_Mod to your Community folder.
Be careful with this mod all MSFS airports will have Shell fueltrucks.